Let God be God

But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again.” - Exodus 14:13, NLT

“Egyptians” can represent the people in your life, or the situations you are going through, or anything that is causing you pain and is keeping your hostage.

God is telling us to be still and watch Him.

Trust Him, He is God.

He will rescue us from these conditions and we will never again have to face them again, but we must pray and let Him handle it.

If we take it upon ourselves to handle it - if we move before God tells us to, we will just go around in a circle and we will find ourselves again facing the same circumstances which will cause us to turn to God and blame Him for getting us back into that lace, while God is saying: you put yourself there because you rushed. I permitted you to come back so that this time you’ll let Me be God and allow Me to release you so that you won’t ever come back here.

Is there a situation in your life that you believed God rescued you from but you got back into it?

Is it possible that you got desperate and acted on your own accord?

Ask God to reveal to you His perspective on this situation and be still.

I know it’s hard, but unless you want to go around in circles, you must let God be God in your life.


Don’t Lose Faith


Keep Praying No Matter What