Don’t Lose Faith

“For I know that as you pray for me and the Spirit of Jesus Christ helps me, this will lead to my deliverance.”

- Philippians 1:19, NLT

Continue on praying for the people in your life.

Pray for the people that you love and for the people that you don’t.

Pray for them because only Jesus can change them.

Pray for your situation, because as you pray, Jesus hears, and even if you don’t see significant change immediately, He is working on your behalf and He will deliver you from that situation.

“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.”

- Isaiah 55:11, NLT

God’s Word will always prevail, so keep on praying and you will see your prayers answered.

When God speaks, the world bends at His feet.

Every situation must bow down to Him.

But if you don’t ask Him to handle it through prayer, it won’t happen. This is why some people have fallen pray to the circumstances they are in. They prayed, but because their prayers were not answered immediately, they gave up.

Don’t give up praying.

Just because you can’t see God’s hand doesn’t mean that God is not working.

A ceasing of prayer over a circumstance due to not seeing God move exhibits a lack of faith. It says that because you can’t see, God must not care about this and you become discouraged, but faith is the confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1, NIV). It means that even when we can’t see it, we trust that God is moving and so we will continue on praying.

Do not let the lies of the enemy cause you to blame God for your troubles.

Do not let the lies of the enemy cause you to deter from your path.

So ask yourself this:

  • What lies am I believing?

  • What in my life did I stop believing God will take care of?

Then, repent for believing the lies and losing faith in God - do not worry, He will forgive you and once you have regained your focus, begin to pray again for that thing you lost hope in and hold on to the promise that God will move mountains for you.

My prayer for you is that you begin to see God’s Mighty Hand in your life. That the obstacles that have formed around you begin to disappear as you step into a relationship with Jesus Christ. That you remain steadfast in your faith, with your eyes focused on eternity not in your mortality.


Be Prepared


Let God be God