
'Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going. ' Ecclesiastes 9:10, ESV

There are many people in our lives that want us to focus in the areas we are “weak”, but God wants us to focus on our “strengths”.

Our hobbies are not just things we do for fun. God gifted us those skills - they are areas we are strong in - abilities that will prepare us for our purpose. These desires were placed in our hearts by God and He calls them out for the purpose of His Kingdom.

Granted, there are things we do for fun - like reading, that are simply just for pure enjoyment, it doesn’t always mean that you’re meant to write a book. But there are specific things we are fond of that are meant to be taken outside of the four walls of our home. It is our duty to pray and ask God to reveal to us what these areas are so that we can narrow our focus on them and mature in them.

Ultimately, all we do should come together to serve a purpose in the Kingdom of God for He created us for it.


Devotional: Your Hobby May Be Your Calling, Day 1, by Bruce Wilkinson and Heather Hair, auhtors of “Prayers of Blessing Over Your Marriage”.


Trials and Tribulations


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