Last week I shared about my word of the year for 2020 and how it manifested in my life, you can read about it here.

Today I want to share what my word for 2021 is and the very simple way I came upon it.

My word for 2021 as you can see in the title of this post is FOCUS.

Before I dive into the definition of the word, I want to explain how I came upon it.

To be honest it wasn’t an over the top process, but I still want to mention it because this time was different than last year.

While it took a bit last year for me to get my word. I didn’t get GROWTH until half way through the 7 days of fasting and prayer that my church did the second full week of the year. This year, I was prepared for a hazardous process as I sat down on December 29th with my notebook ready to prepare a bit for 2021.

I started off with prayer, welcoming Jesus into the moment before diving in. At the end of prayer, this question came to my mind:

What Do I Want?

I had to think about it, but they were simple enough:

  1. I want a firm and stable relationship with Jesus.

  2. I want to read all of my books.

  3. I want financial stability.

  4. I want to take About a Girl to a new level.

With each point, I also wrote how I can get there - micro goals for the macro ones.

After that, came the next question:

What Can Come Out in 2021?

What this question meant was: what can I work on and put out in 2021, for this too, there were 4 points that I will not mention as I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but you can sign up for my mailing list to be amongst the first to find out as I prepare.

It was after these four points that I sat down and really thought, can I do it? Because although there were only four things, they will require a lot out of me. As I thought, these words came to mind:

Don’t overwork yourself.

Focus on one thing at a time.

Be consistent in all that you do.

The word FOCUS caught my attention, I felt that this was what I needed in 2021 and so I looked up the definition on google:

1. A center of activity or interest.

I felt that this was it. This was the word for the year to come; but I didn’t stop there. I took out the four dictionaries I have at home and the thesaurus and dug deeper.

Merriam-Webster’s Middle School Dictionary: adjustment [as of the eye or binoculars] for clear vision.

The New American Webster Handy College Dictionary, Fourth Edition: focal length.

Merriam-Webster’s Pocket Dictionary: central point.

Webster’s New World Dictionary: to concentrate.

Roget’s II The New Thesaurus, third edition: Center, Apply, Concentrate.

For even further understanding, I decided to look into key words in the definitions, this time solely in the thesaurus:

ADJUSTMENT, noun: <was led to adaptation.>

ADAPTATION, noun: the act of making suitable to an end or the condition of being made suitable to an end. / adjustment to a changing environment.

CLEAR, adjective: free from what obscures or dims. / free from flaws or blemishes. / free from obstructions.

VISION, noun: unusual or creative discernment or perception.

CENTER, noun: A point of origin from which ideas or influences, for example, originate. / A place of concentrated activity, influence or importance.

APPLY, verb: To devote [oneself or one’s efforts].

DEVOTE, verb: to give over by or as if by vow to a higher purpose.

CONCENTRATE, verb: To direct toward a common center.

To me, all of the definitions made sense and tied the word FOCUS to what I listed for my wants in this new year.

I need to adjust, not just myself but also my plans to this changing environment, because if we are really honest, even if we are rid of COVID this year, things will not go back to normal. There’s going to be a new normal and a new way of doing things and I need to prepare for that. I need to clear my vision from any and all obstructions in order to be able to discern how God wants me to move during this time. Clearing my eyes from anything that might dim my sight will bring clarity and new ideas will be able to flourish. By applying myself to accomplishing the Will of God I will have a central point on which I can direct all of my concentration to.

By taking everything one step at a time and trusting in the process, I can maintain my focus in 2021.

However, I will not pretend to believe I have it all figured out. If last year is anything to go by, this word can manifest itself in many different forms and ways and I need to be prepared.

Thank you for reading!

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Much Love,


Also, feel free to follow me on social media


About February
