REFLECTING ON 2021, intro

Today, I sat down in front of my computer with the intentions of reflecting on the past year - for the first time ever.

Usually around this time of the year, I sit down to start envisioning the next year, but the other day I was having a conversation with one of my leaders and we were musing about how fast 2021 went and I mentioned that I am planning on sitting down with God to talk about 2022 and what He wants to do, and she said that she too usually sits down with God to reflect on the year, and I realized that I always say I will do that and I never do. So now I will.

I opened up Google Docs [because I forgot my journal, smh] and began to write down questions I wanted to answer, and as I got to question 12 and starting thinking about how long this document is about to be, a thought popped into my mind. One of the many things I’ve been slacking on this year was this website and my blog. I’ve also kept a lot of the things occurring this year to myself, and I’ve been juggling on whether or not I should involve people in it and I truly feel like I should. So here we are.

I don’t know exactly how many questions I will end up with, but for the next few days, I will be answering them and then once that’s finish, I will sit down and talk about what 2022 will look like with God.

I invite you to answer the questions yourself and reflect on 2021 with me.




About February