What is My Fondest Memory of 2021?

Man, this one is hard to answer.

I will have to say it was getting the chance to travel back to the Dominican Republic back in October. It has been 7 years since I had gone and seen my paternal family, and although the circumstances wasn’t the best, it was still nice to be able to see family and hang out with my cousins.

I visited the park and had ice cream with one of my cousins and her son, then later that night, went to dinner with that same cousin and one other from my maternal side of the family. Then I got the chance to hangout and go to the pool with my second cousins, who are around my age so I actually didn’t know they were my second cousins until like a few years ago when I did the math and realize that their dad who is just a couple years younger than my dad is my cousin.

I also drove for the first time ever over there, twice - one of them I drove by myself and ended up driving down a one-way street! In my defense, I was told that the GPS would tell me about one way streets, and it didn’t! I also ended up having to turn around because my aunt left the house keys in the car when I dropped her off, and then had to make the journey all over again - but this time, I knew when the one-way street began and managed to get to my location just fine.

Overall, it is my fondest memory of 2021 thus far.


